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How social is your media?

Are you more of a lurker or a full-fledged extrovert on your social media platforms? Did you know the more you interact with people and pages on your socials, the more likely your content is going to show up? The algorithms are savvy and have the ability to track an array of data which can be used as an advantage when marketing. If you follow accounts that fit directly into your buyer persona, the best thing you can do is like, share and comment on their posts. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram, among others, keep track of the number of interactions you and specific people have together, deeming the content important to each individual. The more people you have genuine interactions with the better chance you have at converting your leads to customers and closing the deal.

Keeping up with your socials can be a daunting task. Wondering how much and when to interact, especially if it doesn't come naturally to you, sounds stressful. No need to feel overwhelmed. By working together, we can formulate general responses depending on your industry and focus on your target market. From there we both have the ability to respond to a few people a day doubling your engagement!

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